Monday, January 25

Dark Side of Work/Life Balance

Work/life balance appears to be a non-threatening and a positive thing for women, but only for a certain few "middle class" individuals in our society. The trouble lies when work/life balance is fed by making the lower class continue to provide service to the "middle class," which only promotes the social hiearchy in American society. While, sure it is nice for "middle class" individuals to have more "leisure" and be valued for "unpaid labor," we need to be cautious about the negative implications of work/life balance as well. While these social issues only add to the complexity of life, these issues do not need to be "solved" by still keeping the "poor" and "disatisffied" with their lives. The endless cycle of rich/middle/poor appears to be endless, and we need to figure out if we need to intervene in this cycle, or keep it the same, since it has been working for the selective few all of these years.

Wednesday, January 13

Random Smile

A smile means nothing if the other person is blind
A smile may be universal, but it can be interpreted subjectively
A smile has the potential to heal the deepest wounds
A smile promotes wrinkles that mark your character for life
A smile can mask emotions
A smile can make you happy
A smile can make you forget
A smile can make you surrender
A smile can make someone's day
A smile just is