Monday, August 20

Scary A$$ Chola

Stare at the picture for a minute and look at a white wall, and a chola might pop up! This is a picture of a scary ass chola. Trust me on this one, I googled it! 

Today I felt like a "chola" for some reason. I do not look or even act like a "chola," but sometimes I sure feel like one on the inside haha. I think I miss my chola cousins and my old chola neighbors. I also miss the guy by the liquor store that used to tell me all the time in Spanish, "uy, uy, uy ya te crees muy chola" when I would wear baggy pants, black lipstick, and a super tight shirt. I never wanted to be a chola like my older step-sister Yovana, who is now probably a ghost. She was a real chola who did drugs and hated school, but thankfully I did not get influenced by her and decided to be a "nerd" instead. I'm still surviving as a "nerd," and well she's not...     

Sunday, August 19

Fear and Excitement

Fear and excitement are two sides of the same coin.

When one feels fear, one can start to become either numb, or excited.

Fear should excite us to jump start our engines rather than force us to become numb.

Fear appears when you start to believe things that are not really true.

Fear generally comes from the myth of "survival" and from believing that we must survive because we are afraid to live a life of errors more so than a life of being "right." Life is suposed to have errors and mistakes. Life is not supposed to be about always being right, or always doing what is right. This is what is fertilizing the fear. To start fertilizing wise risks and courage, one needs to make different choices each day to get different results (both good and bad). Bad results are better results than NO RESULTS at all. So, get excited about fear and the wonderful lessons that it brings!

Saturday, August 18

Food City

Food City always makes me feel like I fit in somewhere in AZ. I like seeing people who look like me walking around. We go there to pay the electric bill using the card. Today we were looking for things to eat. We got a red pozole, Los Pericos tostadas, and Gansitos. I really wanted to get a Garden Santo, or a Mexican version of a Garden Gnome for our patio. They had everyone.... the virgin, angels, and the saints. I even saw a Cantinflas one! They were too pricey for me though so maybe next time.

On our way out the "Halleluyas" or the religious people who give out pamphlets were waiting for us. They convinced us to get their "free" water bottles because they knew we were all thirsty as hell. They taped in their contact information of their church using a cheap piece of paper and some tape over the original water bottle print. This made me sad because it means that their church is probably lacking in funds like many others in the East Valley.