Thursday, June 15

Fun Fad Diet

I was browsing online to try to diminish my lack of amusement and I found a secret fad diet. It is one day only and it claims to lose 4-6lbs a day. Of course this is all water weight, but it will help you get into that certain outfit fast. In about another day you will regain all those water pounds.

Here is the so called prescription rules:

1) You could only eat lean proteins
2) You cannot eat anything else (exception green vegetables that are low carb like Spinach or lettuce)
3) You must consume minimum of 10 cups of water

Sample diet day:


2 boiled eggs and 1 coffee with 1 tsp. of sugar

Spinach or ham

Fish, meatballs, or any meat whatsoever

Exercise is optional: 30 minutes aerobics/weights interval training

The next day, step on that scale and you will notice the pounds drop like magic!!! :)

*I tried this fad diet for fun and I lost exactly 4 lbs.*

Tuesday, June 13

Fey at Circus Disco

There is one woman singer that I have admired since 1995. Fey will always be my idol. I had the opportunity to see her perform live after 4 solid years! I last saw her perform in the 2002 Dodger Latin Festival. This past Friday, June 9th of 2006 I went to Circus Disco night club to see her perform.

Circus Disco is the best gay latin club in Hollywood. I went with my mother. My sdad dropped us off at around 9:10pm and we got in line to get my Fey autographed poster. After that we went in. The place was absolutely beautiful! At the entrance there was this huge Fey banner and I got all excited. In the patio there were huge trees covered in blue lights and many gay couples holding hands. We went to eat at this small TJ-like Mexican restaurant called Alejandro's and we ordered the most delicious quesadillas ever! After a while, I called Alex to meet him. Alex is the president of Fey Fans USA fan club. I met him along with Enrique who came from Wisconsin just to see Fey. I also met another guy who came from Chicago to also see Fey! It was fun listening to their meet and greets with Fey. Alex gave each of us, the cd single for "Barco a Venus" and that made me happy. Later, we went inside to wait for Fey to perform. She came out around 12:40am. She started singing her regular Mix songs. Unfortunately, my digital camera did not take good pictures because she was never stationary. I hope my other camera's pictures come out. She had such incredible moves! She was super energized! The gay couples looked at me weird because I kept screaming at the top of my lungs and singing along with her. About three times she would dance a few inches away from me and she would just look at me. I got shy for some reason and just smiled---as I took some more pictures. After she sang her songs, the drag queen and a few others gave her an award for supporting the gay community and gave her a shot of tequila. It was funny to see her drinking. Then, she sang acapella a clip from her upcoming single "Faltan Lunas" and everyone cheered! Her last song was "Barco a Venus" and then she left.

We saw Enrique and his friend for the last time and we said our goodbyes. We talked about how awesome her performance was. Unfortunately, I did not get to meet her that night. Soon after my sdad picked us up and went home. This is a day that I will never forget. I know that someday I will finally meet her in person.

The following are pictures from the event. I took the first picture and Alex took the rest of them. Enjoy!